I once was circumspect. Respectful of those who didn't share my faith. I tried to encourage those who were suffering near me, with His words.
I didn't hide my beliefs, but I respected yours. I prayed for you. I prayed He would heal YOU. I prayed He would show Himself to You. I prayed... some day....You would know Him, as I do.
I wondered... "Why do I know You...Lord? Why do I see You...but others don't?" It's perplexed me. I'm not special or at all deserving and I've spent my life feeling a little bit like the crazy one...who passionately pursued the unseen God. I'd tell my stories and see that quizzical look in people's faces.
But today... I realize maybe I've done a disservice to you all. I said... in my head.... "I can't make them believe. If they end up separate from Him and from me... that is their choice. There is nothing more I can do." But maybe there is. Maybe somehow, I can snatch someone from the fire.
Because... You know... I've seen Him. I've met Him. I know Him and I know He is real and I don't know why you haven't met Him and why you don't know Him... but since I do... I'm asking... maybe one last time...
"Call upon His name. Please. Don't wait till it is too late. Jesus is truly the ONLY way to God and the alternative to God is... so horrible. I've met them too. You do NOT want to spend eternity in the company of that evil and that hatred.
Please. Just consider that real love and goodness does exist, and no matter how horrendous this world is... out there is a LOVE and a Goodness and a PEACE that comes only from God.
From the beginning of Time.... He LOVED us. He imagined US. He created us...with freedom and goodness like Him. We are in His image and that is where all your joy and your love comes from. His image in YOU."
He has an enemy that will not be redeemed and forgiven. It will never be able to come and be with Him. Sin can not be in His house. These creatures are in rebellion and they are full of hatred. First for Him, but second for YOU. Because you carry His image and He loves You. and He plans to forgive and redeem you...but not them.
So Envy and malice and all the ugliness you see and you hear inside your own heart...that is not God. It's the enemy. We live in a world infested with spiritual parasites that hate God and hate us. They plan to make as many of us suffer with them for eternity, as they can. When you defy God....when you rebel, you are signing your own lease and reserving a terrible place for yourself...that YOU really really don't want.
The other thing you are doing is causing pain to the most immense, wise, beautiful, loving, creative, joyful, awe inspiring, sacrificial being in the universe. The eternal and ancient ONE who holds it all together. Because He does NOT want to lose You. He will mourn YOUR loss.
You may never have met Jesus...but He was present at the beginning and He offered to come and pay the price... because in free will... He knew many of us would fall. So from the beginning, He said, 'I'll do it. I'll die, to get back our family." He is the one who created you and who chose every trait you have and trust me... He is crazy about you. He can't wait till you are with Him in the place He has prepared.
So... One last time... I ask you.... take a chance on Him. Say... "Jesus, If you exist, take my life. Forgive me. Make me Yours. Take my life. You run it, You be in charge of my life.." I think that's all I said, and He showed up, and pulled me from the pit and lifted me up and He's been with me ever since. I know He's just waiting to hear from You and He's knocking and the thing is... I don't know how much more time either one of us have.
That's it. I don't know what else to say. Choose Him. Choose Jesus. Choose LOVE... Choose the Ancient One whose wisdom and beauty is reflected all around you in what He has created. He is YOUR Home. Your eternal destiny. Choose this day, whom you will serve.
Please. Choose Life. What do you have to lose?