Monday, December 07, 2017
Night travel dream: Reykjavik, Iceland
I dreamed one night that I traveled with the Lord through the night sky to a place called Reykjavik. As we flew, He brought my attention to a volcano and showed me something that would come from it. My heart was heavy. I realized that Reykjavik was close to "everything." "It's just 90 minutes from Paris..." We returned to a small room where my older sister, Kathie waited. The room was bitterly cold and I could see my breath. Jesus, His back to us, crouched, stoking a fire, to bring us some warmth. Kathie pulled out a map and asked where we traveled. I said, "Reykjavik." Tapping her finger on the map, she said, "You couldn't have landed in Reykjavik. It's impossible. You must have flown in somewhere else." I gestured to the Lord and said, "I don't know where we landed. I traveled with Him. He supplied the transportation. But I KNOW we were in Reykjavik."
When I woke up that morning, I had to look up Reykjavik, because I've never heard of it. It's the capital of Iceland. It is almost exactly equa-distant from the northern most tip of the eastern coast of the US and the middle of France. It is much much closer to the British Isles. I have since learned that it is true, you can not land in Reykjavik. You have to fly into another city and travel there by land.

I looked to see if there is anything of note, and there is indeed a nearby very large volcano, that erupted ten years ago and sent ash spewing into the air, halting all air traffic to Europe. It is also interesting that this sister in the dream, studied abroad in France and has started an organization called, Leaders Link to help with disaster preparedness and management. Over the last week, numerous times the dream or Icelandic volcano eruptions have been brought up.
I have had warning dreams in the past and the Lord has been merciful and showed me how to pray against these impending events. I learned that the sequence of dream, prayer and miracles grew my faith and the faith of those who joined me in prayer. I offer this dream to all, to join me in bringing Reykjavik before the thrown of God. I pray over the volcano....Peace be Still.
Update: On March 19th, 2021, the eruption predicted by the Lord began. https://gulfnews.com/world/europe/reykjavik-icelandic-volcano-erupts-first-eruption-in-nearly-800-years-1.1616210653666
As of 8/15/2021, it continues. I have asked the Lord...For what purpose was I shown this? I believe it is a sign and a wonder and a marker of the times. A previous effusive volcano in the 1800's brought 3 years of severe winters and changed the weather world wide. There were ice flows down the Mississippi river and into the Gulf of Mexico. http://www.viewsoftheworld.net/?p=5783
As of 11/18/2021, the volcano appears to be dormant, but they will give it 3 months before declaring it inactive. It continues to release gas and the lava will likely be hot for up to 3 years. Miraculously, the volcano has not caused any deaths and brought 300,000 tourists to Iceland to see this sign and wonder! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhT0A_wxdfc
Father, we bring before you Iceland and the countries of Europe and Great Britain. Father, we ask for mercy...special mercy this day...that they will wake from their slumber...from the sickness that has caused their hearts to be cold and not to know You or honor You. We ask for a special rain of healing to fall upon them...to heal them...to wake them...to soften their hearts by YOUR words and YOUR life and presence. To awaken in them a sense of their sins, as You have awoken us. LORD. Let repentance rise up like flowers in spring to bring new life, to draw them close to YOUR heart, to call them to place their lives under Your rule. Let their be a mighty light of the Spirit rising up within them, rather than the fires of hell. OH, Mighty God...the time approaches and we ask this special grace be granted through the blood of Jesus...that the full harvest will come in, and none will be lost, who you have given Him. OH...God, We praise YOUR great mercy and kindness in calling us to pray and warning us so that YOUR will will come to them and not the will of the evil one. YOU and YOU alone are God and we give YOU praise. Be honored this day, Oh MIGHTY Father and let Your children know the fullness of Your love, in Jesus's name.
Will share these..love them all!
Any idea what "you will worship from a or in a Hebrew way means?" A prophet gave it to me years back. Was saved at 17 in Isreal on a school trip..have some messianic, Hebrew cds.
Deborah, I am thinking you might want to research Messianic congregations and worship. That will help you answer your question.
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