This is the first time the Lord has given me the words to a song. I did not hear the music and I have a dear friend, praying He reveal to her the notes. I researched the Mercy Seat and am astonished at the profound meaning of what is being said in these words.
Jesus Lamb, upon the Mercy Seat,
Slain for all mankind.
Jesus Lamb, with all our sins,
Slain upon the Mercy Seat,
You died.

Blood poured out, upon the Mercy Seat,
Shed for me, upon the Mercy Seat.
You died.
Son of God, and Son of Man
Slain upon the Mercy Seat.
You Rise!

You rise to life and shine.
Upon the Mercy Seat,
You Rise!
You came to life, upon the Mercy Seat.
Upon the Mercy Seat
We Rise!

Upon the Mercy Seat,
We Rise!
Come leave your pain, upon the Mercy Seat.
Leave your life, upon the Mercy Seat.
and Rise!

Upon the Mercy Seat,
We Rise!
1 comment:
Holy Spirit...breathing love, life...everything. I am filled with you, your hope, your Spirit. Yeshua, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah Adonai...beautiful Savior, a breath of Heaven. Hallelujah, forever I praise YOU JESUS.
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