In the dream, it was twilight. I stood with the Lord on a hill, overlooking a large valley. In the valley were people, hundreds of them, and they were covered with parasitic shadow creatures. It was a horrific sight.
To my right, up in the air, were the saints. They were completely if time was standing still. I felt great distress for the people in the valley covered by the parasitic demonic creatures. They were without color and completely overwhelmed and without light. I looked up and was greatly distressed that the saints were no longer able to help or to pray. "Someone should do something!" I thought. My frustration was so great.

But the Lord was looking at the horizon, where the sun was going down. His focus was not on the valley. He had white bags of "WORDS" for each nation and He handed them to me, one by one and asked me to "pray" them and throw them at the horizon. I was wary. I am tender-hearted and did not want to pray judgement. "What is in them?" I asked, cautiously. He told me with great authority and firmness, "These are MY Words. Prepared for This TIME for every nation!" My notes say that they were "Blessings for each nation, depending upon their deeds." I began to throw the words at the horizon, one by one.

When this was done, I turned back to the saints in the air and time suddenly sped up again. They began to shoot up, but I said, "Be healed. Return." So they came back down and the dream came to an end. Did He then turn and begin the healing of the captives in the valley? Did He bring them to new life in Him? I don't know. But they are on my heart. This dream was about 3 years ago. I began to pray over the nations nightly.

My heart tells me the church is not prepared for this day. They are frozen in the air. They are unable to pray or to help those who remain in great distress upon the earth. Surely the church must pray. Deliverance is the Children's bread. The Children of God have this blessing and this authority... the Liberty of Faith. We must arm ourselves to speak deliverance and freedom and call those in the valley to faith and belief. If not now...then when?
I say, it is time to speak LIGHT. Time to pray for wisdom, knowledge, love and a sound mind... to speak His blessings upon the earth, as He has prepared them for this day....for each nation, according to their deeds. The hour is late. Oh Children of the MOST High God... take up your posts and be activated in the Full Armor of God and the Inheritance He has given YOU. Fight with His Power and His Glory upon the earth!
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