Mark for Yourself, the stakes of Your inhabitance.
Extend YOUR dominion over all the earth, Oh Lord, Oh God of Hosts!
Set the stakes. Measure the expanses and lay down the tent posts of our God and King,
Jeshua HaMachiach!
He builds, and none can destroy. He casts out, and none can call back.
Even He is the Holy One. The Lord of Heavens and Earth.
Earth is His footstool and the Mighty One treads the paths of Zion with triumph in His wake.
He reigns! Our God reigns!
Jeshua HaMashiach ~ He reigns ~
From the East, to the West, His words go out and call all people to the judgement gate.

(Then I saw the gate shake, and the stones fall, before the coming of our Mighty King.
He alone is God. There is no other.
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