The Right Hand of our God and King, reaches to the Heavens.
He brings redemption. Healing and judgement are in His quiver.
The darts of the evil ones fall, as they flee before Jehovah Jireh.
The Lion of Judah ~ He scatters and none may gather.
The hour of deliverance draws nigh and the time of darkness is upon the Children of God.
Be not afraid. before you call for me....I AM.
I stand before you and will keep you in the storm. Hold fast.
Hold fast to the name of your God and King:
Yeshua, The Lion of Judah.
He reigns and Holiness is His breastplate.
Righteousness His mantle and crown of Glory.
He comes, shaking the foundations of the enemy and
tearing iniquity from the earth.

The time of gleaning is upon you and none will escape the hand of the Mighty King,
Yeshua Meshiach, Prince of Peace.
He reigns! Alleluia to the King of Kings! He reigns in heaven and earth and under the earth!
He is Lord of ALL! HE IS LORD of All!
Repent! He is near, even at the door.
Open to Him and you will find joy and forgiveness. Life everlasting.
He Reigns. Almighty, He reigns. Eternal, Unending God.
Alleluia to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
I am God. There is none beside me.
Isaiah 35: 9-10 Isaiah 43: 9.... Psalm 32.
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