I have a friend who says, "Begin with the end in view." Act every day, with your end point in mind. Do what you do, with your goal directing your actions. As a family, we have been in several years of limbo and waiting for situations to clarify and in that weird fertile "on hold" time, I decided to take her advice and to make conscious behavior and mental changes, since there was little else I could do, to move us forward.
So here it is: My beginning and end is in the Lord Jesus. He is my Alpha and Omega and I decided that no matter where we moved, I wanted to be with Him. I realized, that I could be. So I set aside hours every night to do just that. Hours to pray and to praise the Father, time to read His LIVING word and to see Him in the pages, time to bring others before Him for healing, and time to listen carefully to the Spirit's voice. I found that the latter is kind of like learning how to tune a radio. To hear God, you have to actually turn on the radio. Be intentional. You have to get good reception, by removing distractions and praising Him, just celebrating His presence and be open, and then you have to fine tune it by hand, reading scripture, hearing Him speak , till you recognize His voice, and what is not from him. The static, the counterfeits, the voice of the imitator and the deceiver, all those things will become clear to you, too and your stomach will turn at the sound of lies and the presence of evil. You have to weed sin out of the garden of your life, when He shows it to you and put into practice the wisdom He gives you. Don't just be a hearer, but a doer and learn to walk with Him.
I also found I could recognize who really loved and knew Jesus, and who heard His voice! What a delight to find new brothers and sisters! One of these encouraged me to write down what I was hearing, and it was astounding to me. The Holy Spirit is subtle and I found myself writing down, as fast as I could, words of praise and prayer and direction from the heavenly realms. Yet, there was no clear spiritual direction to share them, other than for discernment. So I shared with a select few, and continued to write down what He said. Finally, one night, I thought, "I wonder if I can just participate and pray and not have the distraction of trying to write it all down?" That was clearly a mistake and I have not heard as much, since then. I gather from that, that writing the words down is important and that it implied that they were intended to be shared for the encouragement of the children of God.
On August 21st, as we were packing our moving truck and heading to our new state, the Lord told me I could release them and I pray that the Spirit will go where it will, and whoever needs to hear them, will find them refreshing their hearts. There should be nothing here that disagrees with scripture. Nothing that fails to give Glory to God alone. I give them to you for your encouragement, discernment, and to honor Him. Each will be in a separate post. These are amazing days! God is on the move and He is doing a new thing! Keep your eyes on HIM! He will see you through!

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