No one has seen the Father except the Son and those
whom the Father has called to Himself to reveal
the wonders of His majesty and His terrible might.
For the
Lord is Holy and He is the Mighty One from of Old.
He set the rivers
in their courses and brought forth the stars
and the great expanse of
space and time.
From His heart, He brought them forth,
wonders on top
of wonders, beauty and majesty,
from the greatest to the least,
it was
all fearfully and wonderfully made and we are
witnesses of His grace
and partakers of His great majesty.
There is no other God before

is not finished and His word has much to accomplish
before the great
and terrible day of the Lord. Be alert. Be ready.
Let no one lead
you astray and watch.
Pray that you will have the strength to stand your ground,
you are guarded over by hosts of angels and
the strong will of the Father, which will surely come to pass.
Already the Host is at the door,
ready to do all that the Father commands.
is His name. AMEN and AMEN to the Mighty One!"
God reigns! Shema! Israel, Shema! Our God reigns!