Listen to me. I have made the heavens and set the stars in their courses.
I formed the earth and man from the dust in the ground.

Is anything too difficult for the King of Heaven and Earth?
Why do you worry and fret over your life and what you will eat and drink and where you will live?
Do you not know I hold your life in my hands and my heart is for you and for your good?
Child of God, set aside the time of weeping and enter into my joy and be made complete, for surely the former things have passed away.

Do not call to mind the difficult and painful road.
Have I not sustained you and carried you through it?
Are you not delivered safely to the other side?
Hearken to my voice. Do you hear sorrow or pain?
I long to make all things new.
The time is short.
Can you not hear the trumpet blast,
and the sound of singing?
Dry the tears from your eyes and enter the Kingdom.
Rejoicing follows mourning.
Rachel, dry your tears.
See! I am restoring my children, my people Israel.
Amen.Powerful message. Joy comes in the morning. Blessed be the Lord God for His Word. 🙏🙌
Yes, trials are coming. I also weep, when I realize how many will perish in their sin. But His Kingdom is coming! So much to look forward to.
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