Let none say, "'Justice is blind,' for I see!" says the Lord of Hosts.
I understand the battle and the plans I have for you,
are for your good and for your healing and transformation.
I see and will call to account all those
who corrupt the Halls of Justice...
All those who speak lies in the Courts of the Land...
All those who obstruct the Truth and say to themselves, "No one sees."
I see! Says the LORD and the day of their accounting draws near.
They will tremble and fall. They will flee, but I will pursue.
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord.
I alone am God. There is no other.

Fall. Fall upon your knees, all who say to themselves,
"The Lord does not see."
Listen, You will hear from me!
You will see that my eye is keen and sharp and NOTHING escapes my notice and
my call to repentance is Mighty and STRONG.
Do not resist. Humble yourselves, that you may be saved.
Turn, turn from your lies and speak My Truth.
No deceit is in My heart. No dissension is in My people.
Hear the words of Your God and bow before Your King.
I build and none can tear down. None can break or shatter what I uphold!
You who practice evil in the streets...REPENT!
Fall to your knees before Your God and King,
Yeshua Ha-Mashiach.
He reigns. Our God reigns, in Heaven and on the earth and under the earth.
He reigns. The Holy One of Israel walks among His people and He reigns!
Glory in the highest! He Reigns!
Shabbat Shalom
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