Tuesday, May 15, 2018

They will not die but LIVE

Last night I felt the Lord's presence in the room. With many tears and great sorrow, I had been asking Him to forgive our country for aborting those He sent to us. Eventually, He stopped me and allowed me to see the process He goes through...choosing each trait and gift for a new babe. The one He showed me, was a little girl. "She's going to have red hair!" He said. "I love red hair!"  

Then He showed me her birth. I saw Him leaning over the father's shoulders, to see the child He had created. Such joy and delight was on His face. 

I understood that He is in the room, every time a child is being born! He is celebrating and blessing the family! That stillness, that Holiness...it is HIM in the room! 

Image result for Jesus with newborn baby

Then, the Lord showed me that He is using our country for His will. He has placed His protection over us. This experience happened the day the US embassy was opened in Jerusalem, and I knew that it had pleased Him.

Then I saw from the perspective of space, golden lights being sent to the earth, each a new soul and life and I felt His great joy in creating and sending each one, custom made for this time. 

Unfortunately, His enemy also saw the beauty of these new souls and he hated them. One by one, he began killing as many, as he could, before they were even born. As each was killed, I felt the Lord's disappointment and pain and then His resolve and determination.  

It was as if He turned and spoke. He told me, "I Myself, will stop it!"

"There will be a landmark decision" He told me. 
"They will not die but live."


Cgray said...

Yes!! Amen!!

Cheryannemmy said...

AMEN AMEN AMEN!!πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌ πŸ’– πŸ’œ πŸ’–