April 14 /15th
The Lord gave me words of warning for two countries, I believe I know who they are: first Iran, and second Syria, but His words are LIVING and they will go out to whomever He wishes.
I will pull the rug out from under them and THEY WILL FALL. Confusion. Combustion.
I asked about the Saints in that country and He showed me a person in the darkness, lit up in silhouette by a bonfire, holding a severed head. I asked again....He showed me this twice.

They burn for the darkness is heavy over them a CLOUD is oppressing , but there is no rain. Lightning. Fire bolts and stones rain down on them and none will escape the wrath of our God and King. Jeshua ~ the Holy One of Israel. He Reigns!
The blood of the children cries out to me.
The mothers slain in their father's arms.
Is this how you repay me?
Is this how you honor the Lord God?
Arise and Flee, for the hour of your destruction has come. Enough! Enough! says the Lord.
I can endure you NO LONGER!
Light the fires and set the dead ablaze.
Cleanse the land and set it free from the stench of your deeds.
They grieve the Heart of the Holy God.
Yeshua Hamashiach comes to judge the deeds & hearts of all men.

Woe, Woe upon those who shed innocent blood. Repent! Fall to your knees, before Him and be made clean!
DO I NOT REPAY? Vengeance is in my eyes and recompense in my Holy Word.
Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!
My people Israel, cry for the mercies of Your God and King. Open Your eyes and see. The Time of Slumber is passed.
Woe, Woe upon those who shed innocent blood. Repent! Fall to your knees, before Him and be made clean!
DO I NOT REPAY? Vengeance is in my eyes and recompense in my Holy Word.
Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!
My people Israel, cry for the mercies of Your God and King. Open Your eyes and see. The Time of Slumber is passed.
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