Last night I felt the Lord's presence in the room. With many tears and great sorrow, I had been asking Him to forgive our country for aborting those He sent to us. Eventually, He stopped me and allowed me to see the process He goes through...choosing each trait and gift for a new babe. The one He showed me, was a little girl. "She's going to have red hair!" He said. "I love red hair!"
Then He showed me her birth. I saw Him leaning over the father's shoulders, to see the child He had created. Such joy and delight was on His face.
I understood that He is in the room, every time a child is being born! He is celebrating and blessing the family! That stillness, that is HIM in the room!
Then, the Lord showed me that He is using our country for His will. He has placed His protection over us. This experience happened the day the US embassy was opened in Jerusalem, and I knew that it had pleased Him.
Then I saw from the perspective of space, golden lights being sent to the earth, each a new soul and life and I felt His great joy in creating and sending each one, custom made for this time.
Unfortunately, His enemy also saw the beauty of these new souls and he hated them. One by one, he began killing as many, as he could, before they were even born. As each was killed, I felt the Lord's disappointment and pain and then His resolve and determination.
It was as if He turned and spoke. He told me, "I Myself, will stop it!""There will be a landmark decision" He told me. "They will not die but live."
May 9th:
He spoke one word: THANATOS.
I researched the name...It is the Greek god, DEATH.
He was silent for a while and then I heard:
The time of gleaning draws nigh. Peace be still. Hear the word of the Lord of Hosts:
My people scatter like sheep before the enemies of the Most High. Can you not wait and pray with me? Open your eyes and see! Open your ears and hear!
There is no strife or division in MY PEOPLE.
My people follow me and they will not go after another.
See that no one deceives you. Follow the narrow way that leads to eternal life and freedom in the Lord of Hosts.
My SWORD is before me to cut away the chaff
and preserve you!
Oh my people,
My heart lives to Glorify God. Here I share words spoken between His Spirit and mine. I hear the beginning of a phrase from Him and write and listen for more. If I anticipate, I often have to scratch out words and replace them, as He speaks. Urgency has led me to quickly post some. God willing, I will go back and separate the messages into individual posts.
You will see that the Lord's words are beautiful, awesome, and chastening. His love shines through powerfully! I am blessed and privileged to carry this anointing.
He does not want His children to be in the dark and afraid.
He LOVES Us! Oh...How HE LOVES us!
April 14 /15th
The Lord gave me words of warning for two countries, I believe I know who they are: first Iran, and second Syria, but His words are LIVING and they will go out to whomever He wishes.
I will pull the rug out from under them and THEY WILL FALL. Confusion. Combustion.
I asked about the Saints in that country and He showed me a person in the darkness, lit up in silhouette by a bonfire, holding a severed head. I asked again....He showed me this twice.
They burn for the darkness is heavy over them a CLOUD is oppressing , but there is no rain. Lightning. Fire bolts and stones rain down on them and none will escape the wrath of our God and King. Jeshua ~ the Holy One of Israel. He Reigns!
The blood of the children cries out to me.
The mothers slain in their father's arms.
Is this how you repay me?
Is this how you honor the Lord God?
Arise and Flee, for the hour of your destruction has come. Enough! Enough! says the Lord.
I can endure you NO LONGER!
Light the fires and set the dead ablaze.
Cleanse the land and set it free from the stench of your deeds. They grieve the Heart of the Holy God. Yeshua Hamashiach comes to judge the deeds & hearts of all men.

Woe, Woe upon those who shed innocent blood. Repent! Fall to your knees, before Him and be made clean!
DO I NOT REPAY? Vengeance is in my eyes and recompense in my Holy Word.
Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!
My people Israel, cry for the mercies of Your God and King. Open Your eyes and see. The Time of Slumber is passed.