I had a strong desire to KNOW Jesus.... in person, when I was in college. I had lost my faith.... I had bad things happen and I finally gave my life to Him...to run, as He saw fit. Then I set about finding HIM. I wanted Him...not some religious image from the RC church I had grown up in...but HIM....the real person...who smiled and laughed and held people and saw the needs in their hearts. I grew to know Him well...to imagine what it was to be by His side, as He taught and healed. In this time where sickness seems to overwhelm so many of us, I want to let you know... He is still doing miracles. He did one for us.

He healed our son.... just like the paralytic in Mark 2:1-12. Caleb was dying. He was in bi-lateral acute kidney failure from an allergic reaction to clindamycine, but we didn't know what was wrong. Before he went to the ER, I told him to forgive me for not understanding what was wrong or knowing what to do...but we would pray to the one who did. I told Jesus, "You gave me Caleb....and you know how much I love him. But I know YOU love him more. So I'm giving him back to you. I'm trusting that YOU will do what needs to be done." I was suddenly emptied of my fear and it was as if He literally picked up our 11 year old son and took him from my arms. He flooded me with confidence and peace and I KNEW our son would not die. I arranged for a baby sitter, while my husband took him on. He called from the ER to tell me the diagnosis. When I arrived, people were standing around my husband comforting him. I asked...."Where is Caleb?"

They gestured towards a dark corner room. He lay there, unmoving with grey lips and nothing was hooked up to him. I came out saying, "NO! Why is he in there alone?...Why is nothing hooked up to him?" (He looked like he had passed.) They gestured to the desk where the internist sat.... He told me they were waiting on me...to go with him by ambulance to the Children's hospital 2 hours away. He said, "My gut tells me he will survive." I slammed my fist down on the counter and said, "Of course he will survive! Caleb will NOT die...He will LIVE!"

When we arrived at 3 am.... the big burly paramedic who was pulling him out of the ambulance shouted, "We've got pee!" The bag was quickly filling with blood red fluid.... "It's because of the trauma to the kidneys," they told me. We ran with him down hallways... to the PICU. A team of about 11 people stood outside the bay, waiting to get him on dialysis.... I told them...with a huge smile.... "It's OK! We've got PEE!" One by one they stared confused and eventually walked away, till it was only the nephrologist and the PICU nurse. They began him on medicine to bind and remove the toxins that had filled his body. They told me he had all three causes of childhood kidney failure simultaneously. He had a blockage, he was dehydrated and he had the severe allergic reaction that I have been told is Stephen's Johnson syndrome. Anyway.... before their eyes.... Caleb's kidneys came back to life very swiftly.

People began to come to me and ask, "You do know this is not what usually happens, don't you?" "What usually happens?" "Well...if they survive the night....7 to 10 weeks of dialysis at the hospital...." Then dialysis for life and kidney transplant. But that is NOT what happened! We arrived at 3 am Thursday morning and by 6 pm, we were in an elevator being moved to a regular floor. The transport aide said, "So you're going home tomorrow?" "I hope not...we just arrived with him this morning in bi--lateral acute kidney failure." "Well honey, when they send you to the regular floor, they're usually sending you home the next day." Friday they weaned him off the morphine for pain and Saturday morning, he was discharged with two fully functioning kidneys!
JESUS IS THE GOD OF MIRACLES. HE STILL IS! Go to Him believing and lay everything in His hands and wait to see what He will do! When you have nothing left... there is ONLY HIM!