That I will be deterred from accomplishing the will of the Father?
That satan has the upper hand? HE DOES NOT.
He knows his time is at an end.
He knows his kingdom must give way to the Son of Man,
the King of Kings, Yeshua HaMashiach, the Prince of Peace.

If the time of wrath falls upon the earth,
will not also the Day of Deliverance swiftly conquer
and rescue the children of God?
Do not fear his raging hordes or the fire of his destruction.
They are but empty before Jehovah Jireh,
the God who saves.
You will walk through the fires and be preserved.
My hand is upon you to keep you and to deliver you unto myself ~
whole and pure and clean.

L'chaim! The time of rejoicing arrives!
Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace Eternal reigns!
Our God reigns!