Do you believe in the power of prayer to accomplish all that God has spoken? Imagine this: the Lord sends a dream, He shows you it's meaning, He shows you how to pray for intervention and He acts to stop the plans of the evil one!
That became my reality last summer. For years, I have had vivid dreams, of natural disasters. Images from the dreams would be uncannily similar to those in papers or online, in the weeks following. But I never put it together. I didn't know that He still speaks in dreams today, to warn, to call for prayer and to conquer evil's plans. Maybe I am just dense, but I didn't get it, until last summer. I had a series of three experiences that changed all that.
One night, I had a dream with two scenes. In the first, complications threw our travel plans to a family reunion into chaos, and I arrived late and frustrated. In the second scene, my family looked on, as a fire began, in high trees, near our vacation site. "Should we evacuate?" we wondered. The flames crackled and shot up higher, as the dream ended. "Pray against it," my friend Brenda advised me.

A week later, I walked into our family reunion frustrated and late, as foretold. Sweaty and hot, I realized I had not heeded the first warning. Hours later, lightening ignited a fire on the mountain near the abbey. Relatives filmed as helicopters dropped buckets of water onto the flames, and dark plumes of smoke billowed up. They wondered if we needed to evacuate. Eventually, they went inside. Finally alone, I began to speak to the Lord and pray in tongues before the fire. I asked Him to send angels to assist the stop the fire. Then something extraordinary happened. To the left of the flames, a small bright pinpoint of white light shone and grew, till it was too bright for me to look at it. When I turned back, the bright light, just as quickly, began to shrink and disappear. The cloud to the right was noticeably smaller! By nightfall, the fire was glowing embers. A similar fire, that week, under high winds and drought conditions consumed 100,000 acres. This fire was held to less than 10 acres! Not a home burned, and our reunion carried on as planned.

I told no one at the reunion about my prayers or the dreams, until my sister called for prayer and advice later in the summer. She had had a dream with three scenes of disturbing violence breaking out in the DC area. There was a cherry bomb and chaos at an event with white chairs set up on a lawn. A wolf creature's spirit entered a large crowd and they became like violent animals. People fled to homes, knocking on doors and begging to be let in. She had researched the wolf angel and believed the dream was about an upcoming gathering of neo-Nazis and opposing anti-fa protesters. The DC area was filled with fear in the days leading up to the event. The wolf angel is/was a Nazi symbol. I told my sister about the fire and the answered prayers. Her dream was a call to pray that God's will would be done in DC that weekend, and not the will of the evil one. We prayed that the spirit of fear would be driven out, that the Spirit of the HOLY God would triumph in that place. We prayed that the presence of God would forbid and drive out the wolf angel's presence and intentions. We prayed that all on either side, who were planning violence, would come to know the LORD's will and His presence in their lives. Finally, we prayed that all who would not abandon violence and bend the knee to Him, would find obstacles in their way. Let them not be able to get anywhere near the event! Soon, her fear was replaced with peace and hope. She had never heard prayer with such conviction and faith. That weekend, the event was a non-event, due to low turn out. A smoke bomb did indeed go off, but no violence broke out. A friend, who later heard this story, heard interviews with those, planning to attend. Each had not been able to reach the event! All found obstacles thrown up, in their way, and finally gave up! What a mighty God we serve!

In early September 2018, I had the final dream and demonstration of the mighty power of our God! I stood on a dock, on a dark night. An orange moon glittered over the water, when suddenly the tide was audibly sucked off the beach, so strongly that I could hear it. It left nothing but muddy sand behind. I sat up in bed, my heart pumping, what could this be? I began to research extreme low tides and events that caused them. Finally, I discovered a map of small tropical storms beginning to form far out in the ocean to the south east of the US. I waited for a clear indication of what and how to pray. My sister called again, asking for prayers over hurricane Florence, expected to be a massive Cat 4 storm, that would cause catastrophic damage to the US east coast. I told her my dream and agreed to bring it to the Lord. Many were saying this storm was God's judgement against the US. "Is this You?" I asked Him. He showed me a dragon. Out of it's mouth came swirls of smoke, shaped like the twirls of a hurricane. "So this is not You. Lord, how should I pray?" I saw Him take my hand, holding it over the storm and He said, "PEACE BE STILL." I repeated it after Him and began to fast. I was excited, because I KNEW He was going to use this to grow faith in all who prayed. I asked them to repent of any evil we had done, and to pray, "Peace be still," over Florence. We prayed and prayed...the storm weakened. It's eye died then reformed and strengthened. Again, I prayed. I asked the Lord to sweep His hand up the coast of the US, from the south to the north and to push it away. Finally, it weakened again and headed slowly toward land. I prayed He would station His angels, wing to wing, along the coast and shield the people. The night of landfall, He gave me one last vision: I saw chevron's, tip to tip, with the tips buried in the sand. A mighty wind began to blow fine sand over them, till the chevron's were buried. Finally, the winds calmed. Behind each chevron, tiny heads popped up, and children wriggled their way up and out of the sand. They had survived! I had hope that deaths would be few. The storm stalled and was a Cat 1 hurricane at landfall. It brought inundations of immense rain and flooding, but there were few deaths, and certainly not the devastation of a size 4 hurricane. I found a map of the flood levels: there were chevron shapes, tip to tip, going up the coast. I also learned that a great wind had formed moving up from the south, to assist in pushing the storm out, and diminishing it's winds, which had contributed to the downsizing of the storm. What a MIGHTY God we serve!