are not alone. Even to the end of the age, I am with you
to guide and lead and protect you. Fear not. Be not
deceived by those who would use my words, for
their own gain and profit, yet their hearts are far from me.
to guide and lead and protect you. Fear not. Be not
deceived by those who would use my words, for
their own gain and profit, yet their hearts are far from me.

you see me follow. Look neither to the right
nor the left, for I will keep you in all of your ways.
nor the left, for I will keep you in all of your ways.
False Prophecy:
no one. Lead no one astray, speak only
what you hear from me and nothing other.
For my way is Holy and My Name is not to be
mocked or sold for foolish gain.

what you hear from me and nothing other.
For my way is Holy and My Name is not to be
mocked or sold for foolish gain.

Do you not know, that one day you will give
an accounting of your words and your ways
before my Father in heaven?

See that none entices you to walk another way
and you depart from my protection and the will
of the One who sent me, the Lord Most High,
your Father, The Holy One, The Bright and
Morning Star and the Creator of all.

not be deceived by the one who shouts,
“Allah” in the streets and hurls insults at my
people. His heart is stone and iron and will not
rise on the last day. And the Son of Man knows
nothing of him or his ways. Yet another,
a deceiver is his father, the lord of lies and
destruction and abomination is his name.

“Allah” in the streets and hurls insults at my
people. His heart is stone and iron and will not
rise on the last day. And the Son of Man knows
nothing of him or his ways. Yet another,
a deceiver is his father, the lord of lies and
destruction and abomination is his name.
up, Oh Israel! Your deliverer will come.